What are the chances that the doctor couple killed their daughter with a golf club and slit her throat with surgical precision? If at all, the parents were involved in the most savage murder of the unfortunate girl, a part of me which believes in humanity will die.
I am not a sleuth or a criminal investigator to comment on the merits of the case.
However, I am a parent, a mother.
Two days after she was found murdered the Additional Director of UP police Brij Lal grabbed the opportunity to appear on television and smugly announced that the fourteen year old girl was having an affair with the forty-five year old servant. I remember his smug face, his heroic demeanor, as he divulged unconfirmed details.
The girl died again.
Following week, another police officer announced that the girl was found in a compromising position with the servant. The father, in a fit of rage killed them both while the mother was a mute willing witness.
The girl died again.
After the police had bungled and had their tryst on the small screen, the media fell to the enticement of TRPs. The Hindi television channels went ahead with their own investigations. Binging on every detail, one channel discovered a boyfriend of the fourteen year old girl. Aaj Tak enacted the scene of crime with sexual innuendos, and sensational insensitivity.
The girl died again.
Not to be daunted by constant bungling, the police announced that the father was having an affair with his female colleague. The daughter objected to his illicit relationship, so he slit his daughter’s throat. There was no proof of the alleged affair. Meanwhile the father was sent to jail after everyone from the police to the media had emptied their values on ethics.
The girl died again.
Soon after the three servants were subjected to interrogation and they allegedly discussed the girls physical attributes in detail. Gory details were leaked in the media and discussed on national television. Temptation for fame was never a sin. It never stained hands.
The girl died again.
The parents were subjected to Narco analysis and lie detector tests and the premier investigative agency took over the case. Two and a half years later the investigative agency threw their hands up and filed a closure report. Today, a television anchor asked the mother, “According to the closure report, the girls private parts were cleaned before the police arrived. Can you take us to through the entire act of dressing up?
The girl died again.
After every incineration has had a chance, it is unlikely that the culprit will be identified soon. Justice eludes. Meanwhile reputations are tarnished without evidence. We do NOT want anymore daily updates on the case, from the police or the media. Justice will do.
(I was hesitant to post this write up. Wrote it after the above question perturbed me and forced me to pen my thoughts.)
Touching and true....
ReplyDeleteDon t know about justice...but will the soul ever rest in peace?
ReplyDelete@Beyond Horizon...I am feeling uneasy after posting this write up...I hope I am not repeating the mistakes of the police and media..If in any way I have offended sensibilities, I will delete this post.
ReplyDeleteSadly yes... we (citizens, media etc) have bcm way too voyeuristic ... The poor girl may/maynot get justice bt one things fr sure.. the "circus" will go on sadly.
ReplyDeleteIneptness of police and CBI...
ReplyDeleteYes its sad indeed....i dont know why the case met a dead end!
ReplyDeleteAlka, I have been reading about this and I feel so sorry for the girl...such a sad thing.
ReplyDeleteWild speculations by an agency deemed the highest investigative set-up in the country.
ReplyDeleteAnd a part of me refuses to believe that the parents could have been involved in the murder of their only child and go such lengths for an elaborate cover-up.
What a touching post Alka! It is really sad to read, hear and see about such injustice.
ReplyDeleteSomething that really needed to be said. Nice.
ReplyDeleteyap its hurting ..... !! very touching post..u know follow tht whole injustice....by media bt there is no result ....it not good!!
ReplyDeleteThis case has been sensationalized so much by the media that it is difficult to come to ascertain fact from fiction. the closure is indeed a shame as Arushi's case could have been a beacon of justice if dealt with properly.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Jesica Lal, she has been deprived of justice.
@DG, Giribala, Ria, Megha, Goutam, Vivek, Purba and Always Happy...
ReplyDeleteThe insensitivity shown towards the unfortunate girl has reached a crescendo...Justice or no justice, the innocent flower has been trampled over and over again.
@Purba...you have echoed my thoughts....I hope its not true.
ReplyDelete@Abha...You are new on my blog. Appreciate your write ups on Daffodils...
ReplyDeleteThe insensitivity shown towards this case is disconcerting...
suxx, nt ur post bt whole drame dat unfolded, worst..no outcome, how many such cases are pending n how many actually never came to light..RIP is all i can say though feels like beng a guilty fr doin nythn
ReplyDeletePS damn to indian News channels esp hindi news
This is a highly sensitive issue and you have been able to put it very well...
ReplyDeleteThe closure of case is indeed a matter of shame for our system and all of us...
You did the right thing posting this and asking al lthose question... This is why so many crimes go unreported in our beloved country cause people are more afraid of reporting it , fearing gthe aftermath, a common man is so afraid of going ot police...
ReplyDeletethe media is at its RAPING best and gets away with all the henious crimes it commits on the NAME of freedom of speech etc...
This is not the only DRAMA that happened a few others also come to mind
Good thoughtful questions and us the people need to ask them to make sure something IF ANYTHING is done EVER... but hey no harm in TRYING ...
We all have these thoughts in the minds, you summed them up well. I am not too happy talking/discussing these points, as with you it makes me feel uncomfortable too.
ReplyDeleteI just wish that her soul rests in peace, as nothing can be undone now..
@Vineet..you have echoed my thoughts.
ReplyDelete@Tanishka..Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the case has been handled very insensitively.
@Bikramjit... Bikram,you have put it so well. Unfortunately in rape cases media has to be very sensitive. Can you believe, there is a movie being made which shows that the parents have committed the murder? When we think it cant get worse than this, it does touch abyss.
ReplyDelete@Sourav...Remember that publicity hungry Kamal Khan of Big Boss 3? He is making a movie after the girls name and depicting the parents as the real murderers.Can you believe, we can sink so low?
ReplyDeleteIts heart breaking. And a ruthless betrayal of all norms mankind ever laid down and bequeathed it humanity.
ReplyDeleteIts not just her, there are so many such instances and nothing has ever happened. Media is just another hungry savage in the run to outbid and profit, at the end of the day its just business. And thats deeply disturbing. Excruciatingly.
And us. Us watchers. Saying RIP and hanging our heads low will never save our souls.
Haunting post. You're one my favorite writers Alka.
If this is our best investigative agency, then God save our country.
ReplyDeleteCinderella...Media hunger is justified in cases like Jessicas. However, when a little girl is raped and murdered, sensitivity is need in reporting.Reputations are being tarnished without evidence.
where most personal blogs can't stop talking about themselves and their lives you've chosen to write about this sensitive issue..very appreciative.
ReplyDeleteand the 'the girl died again' part really added to the impact.
Kill kill kill again till you the soul cringes! Police does it, I get it, justice is delayed, that’s not new either… but the media has really has broken all limits of sensitivity and humanity… this kind of yellow journalism should be banned
ReplyDelete@Pankaj...I guess you are new on my blog. Appreciate your spending time. Honestly I did not want to commit the same mistake of milking the sad case. But there has to be an end to the madness.
ReplyDelete@Delhizen...appreciate your stopping by.The madness has to end. No more details of the case. Only Justice.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant post!
ReplyDeleteSad state of affairs though.. getting worse day by day rather every prime time hour
thanks to Purba who directed me here
ReplyDelete@magiceye....Would you believe, Kamal Rashid Khan is going to make a movie named after the girl and the movie projects parents as the killers.
ReplyDeleteWe have to say..... Enough Sensationalism. Stop it now.
Thanks, Purba..You are a sweetheart.
One thing only...... stop watching such creepy news-channel.. one day they will for sure come back to ethical news reporting.
ReplyDelete@Rachit..You are right, however at some point or the other all of them have done it...NDTV, CNN and Star News...
ReplyDeleteThat is indeed so sad that thinking about it makes me sick. Unless until law agencies improve, people will continue to die and their cases bungled.
ReplyDeleteWho is interested in justice, no one. The world is brash, and its about fame and money. Even in death there is money, who can deny that. And the young turks from our business schools have been thought that, so be it. Its competition in the cut throat manner, without any sensibilities. It will happen again ...
ReplyDeleteStudy of crime, is an art, which is long lost in our crime attacking force. It has too may influences effecting it to have the art cultivated. Hence the outcome. The truth never came out in this case, with time it will, one day. Wait till then ... the girl will die many more times.
I remember watching the additional director's interview on TV. I was so disgusted with the way he was talking about the whole incident.
ReplyDeleteMedia has ourdone itself many times over in insensitive and sensational journalism. If the CB and the police are callous, the media is adding fuel to the fire and shamelessly killing the deceased over and over as you have pointed out. Like you, I refuse to believe that parents can commit such a heinous crime. Will our hopes be vindicated?
ReplyDeleteunfortunately this is the fact and I truly believed in your post ...sad but the truth ;the girl died over and over again.
ReplyDeletePratibha...Appreciate your spending time here. The unfortunate part is that there is no end in sight and there are no apologies from the police or the media.
ReplyDelete@Zephyr...Thank you for visiting. Had heard a lot about you from Purba...Visited your blog today...and it was a pleasure.
ReplyDeleteCBI is still doubting father of the girl then what's preventing them from taking action.And why the fie is closed is a BIG question mark.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to kill the girl once again, as you put it, but everytime I see her parents, something in me revolts.
ReplyDeleteThat DG is a clown, a belmish on humanity.
S.R.Ayyangar..Thank you for spending time.
ReplyDelete@umashankar...He was transferred and called back after some time....No punishment.
no one could have said this any better alka...
ReplyDeleteit's a mad sham world that we live in when everything is turned into a circus for the masaala hungry spectators
it's sickening really!
@Suruchi..Honestly this one was from the heart...Thanks.